Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"you are the spawn of Satan"

This morning I met a lady at the train station.  She had not stepped foot inside a church for 46 years.  Each time she passed the church she shuddered.

She is a curious person, who loves asking questions.  But when she was 10 a stern Sunday School, her Sunday School teacher chastised her for this, and said, "You are the spawn of Satan."

Yikes!  How awful!!!!!  I find it incomprehensible that someone would say that to anyone, least of all a child.

But amazingly, when she got a flyer at the station this morning she came back and talked to us.  She's received a number of flyers from the church in her letterbox, and she's been thinking, "Maybe I could give it another go.  Maybe it's different."  Today she got to meet the senior minister, and found that he's not a draconian warlord, and that they even have question and answer time at the end of sermons! :-)  So she said, this Sunday's my birthday, maybe I'll make it a time for a new start, and come back to church.  Please pray that she does come.  More than that, please pray that she comes back to Jesus too.