Monday, August 29, 2011

small things made big

I went for a lovely bike ride yesterday and enjoyed taking some shots with a macro attachment for my camera lens.

Here is a selection:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Perception of Knowledge of College Students

It's a funny thing being at Bible College (or any learning institution for that matter).  In particular I'm thinking of the incongruity between your perception of your knowledge and others' perceptions.

People think that I know more about the Bible and other stuff now.  That is true.  But at the same I'm beginning to realise more and more how limited my knowledge is.  I've been confronted with realms of thought which I haven't even considered before.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

the wonder of the internet

Last week I wanted to create a worksheet for the kids in my Scripture class.

Knowing that they enjoy wordsearches, I thought it would be good to include one on there.

But how to make one quickly?

Enter Google.

Search for "create word search"

And hey presto, here are many websites to help you make a word search, with plenty of control over what words to put in, word direction and puzzle size.

Thanks God for the internet :-)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

census night - what has happened in the last 5 years?

I just filled in my census form.

I wonder what we will learn from the census.  What things have changed in our society?

Even just thinking about my own life in the past 5 years a lot has changed.

  • I have lived in 6 different places
  • I have been a student, worked as a checkout chick, an engineer, a trainer, a church worker, and now gone back to being a student again!
  • I have been part of 3 church families
  • I have been to 10 countries outside Australia
  • I have owned 2 cars
  • My parents have separated

That's a lot of change!

What's happened for you in the last 5 years?

yay for Greek

Yesterday I was getting frustrated trying to absorb lots of info about my topic for church history.

Then I worked on my translation homework for Greek.

It was so much more straight forward.  Go figure. 

Having a more enjoyable time reading Greek than English!  Weird, but amazing to think how far I've come thus far.