Friday, October 8, 2010

Do you want to get better?

As I was walking out the door my counsellor asked me this question.

"Do you want to get better?"

It came out of the conversation we'd been having about self-care (ie looking after myself).  [Not something that I'm good at].  I'm realising more and more that so many of my thoughts, feelings and actions are related.

I don't take time to look after myself because I think that doing stuff for others is more important.  More important to serve God.  More important to help others.

Indeed these are fruits of the gospel: seeking to serve God and work for His glory and not my own, and also being other-person-centred rather than self-centred and self-seeking. But I think that my problem is that I've come to these actions by the wrong pathway.  I act in this way because I am of the opinion that I am worthless.  Without value.

This is a lie.  I am valuable because God made me.  I am valuable because God made me in his image.  I am valuable because God thought I was worth sending Jesus to die in my place.  I am valuable because I am an adopted child of God.  I do not need to perform stuff in order to be valuable.  Being able to do work and do good things doesn't make me any more or less valuable.  This is totally opposite to so much of what our world says to us.  But it is true because it is what God says.  Please pray that I would believe it.

Please pray that I would have both right actions and right motivations.  That my service to God and others would be motivated out of gospel generosity: being so thankful at what God has done for me in Christ and so secure in knowledge of the grace of God that saves me, not my own works.

the land of black

This post has been sitting in my drafts folder since July.  It was good to write it down, but I wasn't convinced about sharing it with the "world." But given that I just spoke at church sharing this sort of stuff with everyone, I suppose that there may not be harm in doing this now...

Today hasn't been a great day.  Well neither have the past few days.  Not that this is something new for me.

I feel like everything around me screams that I'm a failure.  Dishes not done.  Bible not read.  Gift not bestowed.  Emails not written.  People not phoned.  A look.  A sigh.  The absence of a greeting.  Though these things might not be in words they speak to me.  They tell me not just that I've failed, but that I am a failure.

Some of it I've tried to counter.  Tried to challenge these negative thoughts as I've been taught to.  But they've still been winning.  So then I feel more like a failure cos I've failed even to challenge the thoughts successfully.

I did an activity the other week which uses the "6 thinking hats".  This has helped me to articulate that I'm always wearing a black hat when it comes to my view of myself.  The hat is so black that it even keeps out other "white" and "yellow" thoughts.  Negative thoughts only.

Return to blogging?

Maybe just for today.

At the moment I find it hard to create time for myself to do anything, even sleep...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Failed freebie

A bunch of us from Unichurch helped a family to move house today by cleaning up the old place.  When the boys went out to get some cold drinks to being back they saw this.

Day 14: Freebie!

The salesgirl didn't believe them when they said they had a friend called Kirsty nearby, so I went back later to get one.  But can you believe that I didn't have any ID on me!?  A photo had to suffice.

Good morning sunshine

God has blessed us so much with this house.  It is wonderfully spacious for hospitality, centrally located, and not hideously expensive.

All the other girls are country girls.  I think that although I've grown up in the city, I have a country heart beating within me.  It is so amazing to live in Toowong and be able to look out over greenery.

Day 13: Mornings @ Dovercourt

Critter company

Our house is open and welcoming to all.

The design of it (without any flyscreens) helps the critters to feel welcome also :-s

Day 12: Critter company

Uninspired 11th day

Clearly I wasn't very inspired today.  Nothing really grabbed my attention to take a photo of it.  

And so my photo reflected the uneventfulness of the day...

Day 11: Uneventful as carpet

Finally finished

 Day 10: Satisfaction

I really don't like being in front of the camera (rather than behind it)!!

But I decided to take a shot of my triumph over the messiness and disorganisation of my room.  Having the incentive of wanting this to be my photo of the day (POTD) helped me to complete the task.
One thing that I really love about my new residence at Dovercourt Rd is that it is so often open for hospitality!  Here is Jenessa, at home in the kitchen. 

Day 9: J

My first screw up in Project365

 I thought about taking this photo all day, but then I forget to take it until the following morning :-(

Day 8: vol poop

The armband was from the Woodford Folk Festival.

Self portrait #1


What to do with leftlovers...?

... put them all on a pizza of course! :-)

But some things really shouldn't be put on pizza surely: such as leftover thai tofu curry. ;-s

Day Five: A First in Food Photography

Trying to find something to take a photo of can be a bit tricky, especially as I'm trying to take one every single day!!

Food will feature frequently I think :-)

This lovely creation was made by Grace Lew.  Lychee jelly and green tea icecream.

Fire and brimstone

We all have our quirks.  This was one of Roy's.  He was determined that we would have a fire going in the fireplace!

Even though it's in the middle of summer in Australia!!

The ministry mindshift that changes everything...

Roy has given each of us on staff a book to read and discuss.  It is The Trellis and the Vine by Tony Payne and Colin Marshall.

Further info about the book can be found here.

It's a great kick up the pants to remember that ministry is about people not programs.

From one big event to the next - Jan 2

It was a busy start to the year!!  I went straight from the Woodford Folk Festival to the CMS Summer School (which doubled as the Unichurch Staff Conference).

I was excited to be able to spend the time with the other staff.  When I started MTS last year I missed out on this time because I was still overseas.  At this time last year we had just completed a 4 day trek in the Simien Mountains in Northern Ethiopia.

Here is the gang (with some "ring-ins")

Day 1 - The journey begins

This photo is of most of the people who went to the Woodford Folk Festival with me.

We were tired and a bit dirty but it was a great time of hanging out together, enjoying the Festival and having chats about the important stuff in life.

It was frustrating trying to get the camera lined up correctly to take the shot! :-)  I didn't have my tripod with me so we tried to improvise with some books.  I used my remote control to release the shutter.

The 365 Story

Hi everyone (not that I think there's that many people listening...if anyone at all),

I thought that it would be good to document something of the story behind my 365 project, and the story behind some of these images.

So here goes...


Friday, February 19, 2010

Bushy Beauty

Day 49: Bushy Beauty
Originally uploaded by kirst19

The Watchman

Day 47: The Watchman
Originally uploaded by kirst19

Tiny teacups

Day 45: Tiny teacups
Originally uploaded by kirst19

Wedded Joy

Day 44: Wedded Joy
Originally uploaded by kirst19

Life in the fast lane

Day 43: Life in the fast lane
Originally uploaded by kirst19


Day 37: Green
Originally uploaded by kirst19

I fold

Day 36: I fold
Originally uploaded by kirst19


Day 30: Lovebirds
Originally uploaded by kirst19

Vege creation

Day 28: Vege creation
Originally uploaded by kirst19

Saturday morning bliss

Day 23: Saturday morning bliss
Originally uploaded by kirst19


Day 25: Cloudland
Originally uploaded by kirst19

Not bad for a shot on my camera phone :-)

My secret

Day16: My secret
Originally uploaded by kirst19

One of my favourite photos of this year!

Good morning sunshine

Day 13: Mornings @ Dovercourt
Originally uploaded by kirst19

What a great view to enjoy in the mornings at home!!

Light at the end of the tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnel
Originally uploaded by kirst19

Beauty in unexpected places. This a water drainage tunnel under Moggill Rd.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Undivided Heart

Day 29: Undivided Heart
Originally uploaded by kirst19

All too often my heart and mind are challenged. Things try to usurp God from being #1 in my life.

Psalm 86:11 "Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name." This is my prayer. Not to earn favour with God, but because He is worthy of all praise and devotion.

Welcome to blogville

Hi everyone (which really is no-one at this point cos I've only just started this thing!)

As per my profile, I'm on about reflecting back God's glory to Him because He made me and redeemed me.

Perhaps I'll put some written reflections on this page, but in the first instance I plan to put up photos I've taken of things that God has made (which is not limiting at all cos He made everything!).

Enjoy :-)