Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

exam time self-centredness

Some things in life make it really easy to focus just on yourself and your own situation.  Things like sickness, suffering, a newborn baby ... just to name a few.  My thing at the moment is assessment.

My natural instinct at this time is to hole up in a cave, study and not think about anyone else.  To put it bluntly, to become entirely self-centred.

But is this how God would have us deal with these situations?  Does the call to love my neighbour suddenly stop taking effect because I'm busy?  I think not.

Naturally in times of great busyness, and particularly if we are incapacitated in some way, our capacity to serve others will be diminished.  Therefore, we should use wisdom to figure out how we can serve others, even in these difficult times.

God has called us to be part of His Kingdom.  And in His kingdom, serving others is revered.  Let us live in light of this kingdom, serving others not just ourselves.

been too busy to blog

things like study, especially close to exam time, seem to have that effect!

Monday, June 13, 2011

coupling up

The world continues to pair up around me.

Yet here I still am.

Just me.

Please Father help me to be content and fruitful for your kingdom all the days of my life.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

accepted through Christ

At this time of assessment and exams I've been getting tense. :-(

But at the same time some of the reading I've been doing has been delightfully refreshing.  

I've been reminded that it is possible to do theological study in a secular manner.  Therefore I've been encouraged to rejoice, pray and share with others to combat this.  

I've also been reminded that whether I do poorly or well, this does not contribute to my standing before God.  I am accepted through the blood of Jesus alone.  And if I'm accepted by God, nothing else matters.  What other people think of me pales in comparison.  I have been accepted by the King who rules eternity.  But I have nothing to boast in.  Christ has done this on my behalf.

Have you accepted God's acceptance of you through Christ?

Monday, June 6, 2011


reflecting is much less fun and spontaneous when you're getting assessed on it :-(

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The book of Ruth

I've been looking at the book of Ruth in the Bible tonight, in preparation for teaching the kids in Scripture/SRE/RE tomorrow.

It's been a lovely reminder of God's care for us shown through His gracious provision of laws that are good for us.